MMA Scores First Season Win!

Mackey Mitchell’s softball team finally notched its first big win of the 2011 season. It was a thrilling victory over architectural competitor Arcturis. In Monday night’s game, the MMA team demonstrated strength in both offense and defense, contributing to the final 16-10 victory.  Mackey Mitchell has participated in the City Architect/Engineers Softball League for more than 20 years. While we’re thrilled to score a win, the main purpose of the game is to get exercise, meet new people, and basically have a good time. Congratulations to the following team members:  Dan Schneider, Greg Frankenfeld, Nick Naeger, Matthew Roeder, and Kevin Symons; along with friends and colleagues Steph Hiebert, Charis Bengston, John Hartley, Hayley Watkins, David Yates, John Ginsburg, Janet Schindler and her brother-in-law Andy.